Getting Started with GreenFeet

This page will help you get started with GreenFeet. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Welcome to GreenFeet. GreenFeet is an easy to use software platform that helps organizations of all sizes to build sustainability programs - everything from calculating your organization's carbon footprint, to setting goals (e.g. carbon neutral by 2030), to offsetting or reducing emissions as well as creating reports for stakeholders. We have built an easy to use software sustainability platform to help with this journey.

Quick Video Tour

The best way to get familiar with GreenFeet is to watch our 3 minute product tour which covers the following:

  • Understanding Dashboards
  • Creating an Emissions Record
  • Using Emissions Calculators
  • Viewing Offset Records
  • Campaigns - Creating an Employee Commute Survey
  • Generating an annual Emissions Report

Getting Started - Sample Data

Immediately after signup you will see some demo data in your account. This will give you an idea of what your account will look like once you upload your own data.


Sample Data After Signup

You can see how the dashboards give an overview of your business emissions for a given time frame broken down by category and by scope as well as analysed in lots of other ways in the different charts available on the dashboard page (E.g. by location, emissions over time etc).


Charts available on the dashboard page

You can use the demo data to familiarize yourself with the product. It includes records across a number of different GHG categories as well as offset records.


Sample Emission Records

Before you get started creating your own emission records it's a good idea to remove the demo data in your account.


Delete or generate new demo data

Simply navigate to the admin panel and select delete demo data. Note you can always regenerate new demo data from this page if you need to do so at a later stage.

Creating your GreenHouse Gas Inventory

In order to get started with creating your own GreenHouse Gas (GHG) inventory you should first add an office location to attribute emissions to a specific location. After you added your first location you can begin creating new emissions records.