Real Estate Emission Calculators

This page will walk you through how to use the different calculators located under the Real Estate Emissions Tab!

(Scope 1)

Navigate to the calculator as follows:

Select “Emissions” → Select “Real Estate” → Select “Add Record” → Select “Buildings Electricity(in the Type field)”→ Select “Calculate it for me”

Next you will see the Buildings Electricity Calculator.


Building Electricity Esitmator

You will need to input the following:

  • Region: The calculator takes into account your location and will use location specific emission factors. For more information on emission factors used see our emission factors section.

  • Activity data: For the Buildings Electricity Calculator you can either choose to input KWH (primary data) or if that is not available to you, simply enter the size of your office space in sq. ft. (secondary data). KWH is a measure of electricity used for a given period. This value is generally available on your utility bill.

  • Time Frame: Select the timeframe you want to calculate your emissions for.

After hitting the 'Calculate' button your emissions are automatically calculated and entered automatically into the Emission field of your emission record.

(Scope 2)

Select “Emissions” → Select “Real Estate” → Select “Add record” → Select “Building Heat Estimator”(in the Type field) → Select “Calculate it for me”

Next you will see the Building Heat Calculator with two options; Oil or Gas.


Building Heat Estimator

For either one, you will be required to know the same data which is the following;

  • Heating Source : Either Gas or Oil

  • Square Feet : The total square footage of the building that is being heated

  • Time Frame : Select the timeframe you want to calculate your emission for.

After hitting the 'Calculate' button your emissions are automatically calculated and entered automatically into the Emission field of your emission record.