Campaign Overview
This page will give you the laydown of our campaign feature and functionality to quickly and efficiently declare surveys for your employees to take part in.
The "Campaign" tab allows you to harness the ability to effortlessly create a survey for your employees to generate data determining what impact they are having on your overall carbon footprint as a company.
The ["Campaign"] ( tab is home to you harnessing your employee's carbon emission data and commuting patterns, to get here you must do the following;
Select “Campaign” → Select “Add Campaign” → Determine Office Location(s) → Select “Add Campaign”→ Select “Survey Results”
- You can access the survey results preemptively, and they will react in real time as employees fill out the survey.
- First, begin by selecting "Add Campaign" . . .
- Then, assign the desired office to the campaign you are starting. . .
- Next, you can access the survey by pasting the link into your search bar or you can access the survey results by clicking the "Survey Results" button alongside the corresponding Campaign.
- You can harness a variety of information, all to your aid at the touch of a finger!
Updated over 3 years ago
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